Kori Michele Handwerker is zinester, professor, and freelance cartoonist working out of Brunswick, Maine.
Publishing since 2011, Kori has drawn hundreds of pages of comics and printed dozens of weird little zines. Their work focuses on format, identity, mundanity, process, and queerness. Kori has an MFA in Cartooning, a BFA in Painting, and professional experience with both analog and digital production, including screen printing, watercolor, Adobe InDesign, Clip Studio, and Adobe Photoshop.
They're currently an adjunct professor at the Center for Cartoon Studies, teaching Publication and Professional Practices, along with workshops in Queer Comics, Color in Comics, and screenprinting.
They self-publish journal comics, screenprinted zines, and adult comics as well as organizing collaborative fanzines and doing freelance comics work including sensitivity reading and color flatting.
email me at korimichele @ gmail.com
Kori uses they/them pronouns; loves cats, glitter, tea, nail art, kpop group SHINee, & experimental book design.